鐐鸿畵澶у鍦ㄥ畨蹇冨倷鑰冪殑鍚屾檪(sh铆)涔熻兘婧�(zh菙n)纰虹嵅鐭ヨ€冭│鏅�(sh铆)闁撶浉闂�(gu膩n)淇℃伅锛岀挵(hu谩n)鐞冪恫(w菐ng)鏍℃彁渚� 鍏嶈不(f猫i)闋�(y霉)绱勭煭淇℃彁閱�鏈嶅嫏(w霉)锛屼互鐭俊鐨勬柟寮忔彁鍓嶅憡鐭ュ悇浣嶈€冪敓2021骞�11鏈圔EC鍟嗗嫏(w霉)鑻辫獮(y菙)鑰冭│鏅�(sh铆)闁撶瓑淇℃伅锛屼互闃叉偍閷�(cu貌)閬�(gu貌)锛佺法杓帹钖︼細2021骞翠笅鍗婂勾BEC涓礆(j铆)鑰冨墠娌栧埡绶寸繏(x铆)椤屽強绛旀鍖附銆�
In any planning system, from the simplest budgeting to the most complex corporate planning, there is an annual process. This is partly due to the fact that firms (19).......their accounting on a yearly (20)......., but also because similar (21)....... often occur in the market.
Usually, the larger the firm, the longer the planning takes. But typically, planning for next year may start nine months or more in advance, with various stages of evaluation leading to (22)....... of the complete plan three months before the start of the year.
Planning continues, however, throughout the year, since managers (23) ....... progress against targets, while looking forward to the next year. What is happening now will (24)....... the objectives and plans for the future.
In today's business climate, as markets constantly change and become more difficult to (25)....... , some analysts believe that long-term planning is pointless. In some markets they may be right, as long as companies can build the sort of flexibility into their (26).......which allows them to (27).......to any sudden changes.
Most firms, however, need to plan more than one year ahead in order to (28).......their long-term goals. This may reflect the time it takes to commission and build a new production plant, or, in marketing (29)....... , it may be a question of how long it takes to research and launch a range of new products, and reach a certain (30)....... in the market. If, for example, it is going to take five years for a particular airline to become the (31)....... choice amongst business travellers on certain routes, the airline must plan for the various (32)....... involved.
Every one-year plan, therefore, must be (33)....... in relation to longer-term plans,and it should contain die stages that are necessary to achieve the final goals.
19 A make up B carry out C bring about D put down
20 A basis B grounds C foundation D structure
21 A distributions B guides C designs D patterns
22 A approval B permission C consent D decision
23 A value B inspect C review D survey
24 A command B prompt C influence D persuade
25 A guess B speculate C reckon D predict
26 A operations B techniques C measures D exercises
27 A answer B respond C counter D reply
28 A move B lead C develop D benefit
29 A expressions B descriptions C words D terms
30 A reputation B position C situation D influence
31 A desired B selected C preferred D supposed
32 A acts B steps C means D points
33 A handed over B drawn up C made out D written off
鍏ㄦ枃鐨勭涓€鍙ヨ┍瑾�(shu艒)鍏徃鍋氱殑姹哄畾鏄竴鍊�(g猫)骞村害閬�(gu貌)绋�(annual process)銆傛帴涓嬩締(l谩i)璜囧埌鍘熷洜銆�19椤�锛宮ake up鏄祫鎴愩€佹崗閫�銆佸寲濡濈殑鎰忔€濓紝鐢ㄥ湪閫欓噷鍜宎ccounting鎼厤涓嶄笂;carry out鏄煼(zh铆)琛�(to do something that needs to be organized and planned);bring about 鏄付渚�(l谩i)锛屼娇鐧�(f膩)鐢�(to make something happen);put down 鏀句笅锛岄幃(zh猫n)澹�銆傚緸鎰忔€濅笂鐪�锛屾噳(y墨ng)瑭查伕B锛宑arry out銆�
浜嬪(sh铆)涓婏紝carry out accounting on …..basis鏄噾铻嶈嫳瑾�(y菙)閲屽皥妤�(y猫)涓斿湴閬撶殑瑾�(shu艒)娉�銆傛渶甯歌(ji脿n)鐨勪竴绋槸carry out accounting on the accrual basis 鍩�(zh铆)琛屾瑠(qu谩n)璨�(z茅)鐧�(f膩)鐢熷埗銆傜浉鎳�(y墨ng)鐨�锛�20椤岄伕basis锛屽叕鍙告檪(sh铆)鍦ㄤ竴骞寸殑鍩虹(ch菙)涓婂煼(zh铆)琛屾渻(hu矛)瑷�(j矛)婧�(zh菙n)鍓囩殑銆�
approval锛歸hen a plan, decision, or person is officially accepted鎵规簴(zh菙n)锛屾寮忕殑
eg:The president has already given his approval to the plan.
permission锛歸hen someone is officially allowed to do something鍏佽ū锛屼篃鏄寮忕殑
eg:You must ask permission before taking any photographs inside the church.
consent锛歱ermission to do something涓嶉偅涔堟寮忕殑鍏佽ū
eg:He took the car without the owner's consent.
23椤岋紝閫欓噷鐨勫墠鍚庢枃鐨勬剰鎬濇槸瑷�(j矛)鍔冭搏绌垮叏骞村绲�锛屾墍浠ョ稉(j墨ng)鐞嗗€戦渶瑕佸洖椤ч亷(gu貌)鍘�锛屽睍鏈涙湭渚�(l谩i)銆傚悗闈㈢殑looking forward to鏄€�(g猫)绛旀淇¤櫉(h脿o)锛岀浉灏�(du矛)鎳�(y墨ng)鐨勫墠闈㈡噳(y墨ng)瑭查伕review锛屾牴鎿�(j霉)鐩(bi膩o)鍥為¨閬�(gu貌)绋�銆�
25椤岋紝寰為€欏€�(g猫)鍙ュ瓙渚�(l谩i)鐪�锛屽~鍏ョ殑瑭炴槸鎳�(y墨ng)瑭插彲浠ョ洿鎺ュ拰market鎼厤鐨勩€侾redict the market鏄晢鑻遍噷鍦伴亾甯歌(ji脿n)鐨勭敤娉�锛屽競鍫�(ch菐ng)闋�(y霉)娓�(c猫)銆�
Operation: the work or activities done by a business or organization, or the process of doing this work.
27椤岋紝respond to 灏�(du矛)…..鍋氬嚭鍙嶆噳(y墨ng)銆�
29椤岋紝in market terms 鐢ㄥ競鍫�(ch菐ng)琛�(sh霉)瑾�(y菙)渚�(l谩i)瑾�(shu艒)銆傚浐瀹氱敤娉曘€�
30椤�锛宲osition in the market锛屽競鍫�(ch菐ng)涓婄殑鍦颁綅銆傚墠闈㈠凡缍�(j墨ng)鏆楃ず浜嗛€欓噷瑕佺敤甯傚牬(ch菐ng)琛�(sh霉)瑾�(y菙)渚�(l谩i)琛ㄨ堪锛宲osition in the market灏辨槸鍥哄畾琛ㄩ仈(d谩)
(positioning is that exclusive space your brand owns in the marketplace. It's relevant and compelling to your customers, and different from your competitors.)
hand over: to give something to someone with your hand, especially because they have asked for it or should have it.浜ゅ嚭
draw up: to prepare a written document, such as a list or contract璧疯崏
(draw up plans/proposal)
e.g: He was asked to draw up proposals for reforming the law
make out:
to be just able to see or hear something 鐪嬭(ji脿n)鎴栬伣(t墨ng)瑕�(ji脿n)
to understand something, especially the reason why something has happened鐞嗚В
write off:
to write a letter to a company or organization asking them to send you goods or information瀵�(xi臎)淇″瘎鍑�
to decide that someone or something is useless, unimportant, or a failure 娉ㄩ姺
to officially say that a debt no longer has to be paid, or officially accept that you cannot get back money you have spent or lost 鍕鹃姺
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