鐣跺墠浣嶇疆锛� 棣栭爜 > 鑱风ū鑻辫獮 > 鑱风ū鑻辫獮妯℃摤瑭﹂ > 2013骞磋伔绋辫嫳瑾炵悊宸ラ闁辫畝鍒ゆ柗绶寸繏椤屽強绛旀(鍏�)


鏇存柊鏅傞枔锛�2015-12-10 11:50:58 渚嗘簮锛殀0 鐎忚0鏀惰棌0


Why Help Your Child Become a Reader

銆€銆€Encouraging early reading skills can build a path to a lifelong (绲傝韩鐨�) love of reading and can help your child get a head start in school. While reading to your child is still the most important thing you can do to build reading skills, there are many techniques that can help.

銆€銆€Make reading fun. Play games with your child as you read. Many traditional children's games can be adapted to encourage reading skills.

銆€銆€While reading or during play, tell your child, "I spy with my little eye, something that begins with the letter b." Help the child find something on the page or in the room that begins with that letter. For example, "I see a barn." This can also be used to teach beginning letter sounds. "I spy with my little eye, something that begins with the sound "s". Help the child find a word that begins with the "s" sound.

銆€銆€In this variation on the popular game, instruct the child that, "Simon says, 'point to something that starts with the letter n.'" The child can then find an object in the room or a body part, such as the nose, that starts with the letter presented. This can also be used to teach beginning sounds.

銆€銆€Make a game out of rhyming (鎶奸熁) words by making up silly words to rhyme with the child's name or favorite toys. This sets the stage for rhyming real words by showing the child the similarities of sounds. As the child masters making up the words, begin rhyming real words to one another.

銆€銆€Tips to raise a successful reader:

銆€銆€Put books in places where the child plays. If books are easily accessible, children are more likely to pick them up.

銆€銆€Let children "read to you" by looking at pictures. Making up stories to go along with illustrations helps children discover how words relate to pictures.

銆€銆€Take books along on trips or even short visits to the doctor's office or grocery store.

銆€銆€Have children help you shop. Reading grocery lists and looking for specific items helps build sight vocabulary.

銆€銆€1 A good reading habit can help your child do well at school.

銆€銆€A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

銆€銆€2 Computer games can be used to help children develop their reading skills

銆€銆€A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

銆€銆€3 One of the useful games is to play spy.

銆€銆€A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

銆€銆€4 When playing a game you should ask your child to find something starting with the letter b instead of c.

銆€銆€A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

銆€銆€5 The purpose of the rhyming games is to make preparations for children to write poems.

銆€銆€A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

銆€銆€6 You can ask your child to tell stories based on pictures.

銆€銆€A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

銆€銆€7 You should take books with you when you go out with your child

銆€銆€A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

銆€銆€鍙冭€冪瓟妗堬細1. A 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. A



鍒嗕韩鍒帮細 绶ㄨ集锛氱挵(hu谩n)鐞冪恫(w菐ng)鏍�

璩囨枡涓嬭級 绮鹃伕瑾茬▼ 鑰佸斧鐩存挱 鐪熼绶寸繏


鑱风ū鑻辫獮姝峰勾鐪熼涓嬭級 鏇村

鑱风ū鑻辫獮姣忔棩涓€绶� 鎵撳崱鏃ユ



鐠�(hu谩n)鐞冪恫(w菐ng)鏍$Щ鍕曡鍫侫PP 鐩存挱銆佽伣瑾�銆傝伔閬旀湭渚嗭紒










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