21.妤�(y猫)鍕欐祦绋嬪啀閫�(BPR)瀵︽柦閬庣▼浜斿€嬮殠娈电殑闋嗗簭鐐�( )銆�
22.灏嶄紒妤�(y猫)鐗╂祦淇℃伅绯荤当(t菕ng)鍒嗘瀽鐨勯噸榛炴槸( )銆�
A.浼佹キ(y猫)鐨勭稉(j墨ng)鐕熺媭娉� B.绲勭箶姗熸鑸囩鐞嗚伔鑳�
C.妤�(y猫)鍕欐祦绋嬬殑瑾�(di脿o)鏌� D.鍘熸湁鏁�(sh霉)鎿�(j霉)搴媭娉�
23.浠g⒓鏄搧鏈�( )鐨勫叿楂旂铏�銆�
A.绶ㄧ⒓ B.鍒嗛妯欏織
C.鏂囧瓧妯欒瓨 D.纰哄畾淇℃伅
24.鏁�(sh霉)鎿�(j霉)搴槸( )銆�
A.瑷堢畻姗熺殑杌熶欢 B.瑷堢畻姗熶腑鐢ㄤ簬瀛樺劜鑸囪檿鐞嗗ぇ閲忔暩(sh霉)鎿�(j霉)鐨勮粺浠�
C.瑷堢畻姗熺当(t菕ng)瑷堢郴绲�(t菕ng) D.鐢ㄤ簩閫插埗琛ㄧず鐨勪俊鎭泦鍚�
25.闂滅郴鏁�(sh霉)鎿�(j霉)搴獮瑷€(SQL)鍖呮嫭( )閮ㄥ垎锛屾槸涓€绋姛鑳介綂鍏ㄧ殑鏁�(sh霉)鎿�(j霉)搴獮瑷€銆�
A.鏌ヨ銆佸畾缇┿€佹搷绺�銆佹帶鍒� B.鑷畾缇┿€佹绱�銆佸湒褰㈣檿鐞�
C.鑷畾缇�銆佹煡瑭�銆佺当(t菕ng)瑷� D.杓稿叆銆佺法鍒�銆佽几鍑�
26.闂滅郴妯″瀷鏄敤( )琛ㄧず瀵﹂珨鍟忕殑闂滅郴鐨勬暩(sh霉)鎿�(j霉)妯″瀷锛屽畠鏄棞绯绘暩(sh霉)鎿�(j霉)搴殑鏍稿績閮ㄥ垎銆�
A.鐩搁棞鏁�(sh霉)鎿�(j霉)鍦� B.涓€缍〃鏍兼暩(sh霉)鎿�(j霉)
C.浜岀董琛ㄦ牸鏁�(sh霉)鎿�(j霉) D.涓夌董绔嬮珨妯″瀷
27.鏁�(sh霉)鎿�(j霉)鍊夊韩鐨勪富瑕佷綔鐢ㄦ槸浣跨郴绲�(t菕ng)鍏�(n猫i)鍚勫€嬫暩(sh霉)鎿�(j霉)搴�( )銆�
A.鐛ㄧ珛鍒嗘暎锛屽閲忓ぇ B.闆嗘垚鍖�
C.瀹屾垚鏁�(sh霉)鎿�(j霉)鍒嗘瀽 D.B鍜孋
28.鏁�(sh霉)鎿�(j霉)鎸栨帢鎶€琛撻€氶亷( )锛岄爯娓鎴惰鐐哄拰甯傚牬瓒ㄥ嫝銆�
A.寤虹珛鐩搁棞鏁�(sh霉)鎿�(j霉)搴� B.浜哄伐鏅鸿兘妯℃摤鎶€琛�
C.寤虹珛鏁�(sh霉)鎿�(j霉)妯″瀷 D.灏囧晢妤�(y猫)娲诲嫊铏涙摤鍖�
29.( )涓嶅爆浜庨噰璩艰▓鍔冪殑鍒跺畾姝ラ銆�
A.鏍告簴瑾嶈瓑瑷堝妰 B.婧栧倷瑾嶈瓑瑷堝妰
C.瑭曚及瑾嶈瓑瑷堝妰 D.瑷堢畻瑾嶈瓑瀹归噺
30.( )涓嶅爆浜庤▊鍠挵(hu谩n)澧冭硣鏂�銆�
A.鍒嗘瀽闁嬬櫦(f膩)鎵归噺闇€姹� B.鍒嗘瀽浣欓噺闇€姹�
C.纰哄畾閲囪臣闇€姹� D.纰哄畾瑾嶈瓑闇€姹�
31.( )涓嶅爆浜庝紒妤�(y猫)鍏�(n猫i)閮ㄩ噰璩奸儴闁€鑸囧叾浠栭儴闁€涔嬮枔鐨勪俊鎭祦銆�
A.瑷傚柈鍟嗗搧鐨勪緵鎳夊晢淇℃伅 B.姣忓€嬩緵鎳夊晢鍒嗘敜鐨勮▊鍠瘮渚嬩俊鎭�
C.寰炰笅鍠埌浜よ波鐨勮▊鍠懆鏈� D.瑷傚柈鎿嶄綔绋嬪簭
32.鐣朵紒妤�(y猫)閲囪臣鐨勫晢鍝佸搧绋垏瑕�(gu墨)鏍煎京闆�銆佽臣璨烽伕鎿囨€у挤銆佸競鍫撮渶姹傝畩鍖栬繀閫熻€岃波婧愮浉灏嶆湁淇濊瓑鏅傦紝姣旇純閬╃敤鐨勯噰璩兼柟娉曟槸( )銆�
A.绔跺児閲囪臣 B.鍚堝悓瑷傝臣
C.瑷堝妰鏀惰臣 D.浠h臣浠i姺
33.鍟嗗搧閲囪臣鐨勬牳蹇冨伐浣滄槸纰哄畾( )銆�
A.鍟嗗搧閲囪臣绺介噺 B.鍟嗗搧閲囪臣鎵归噺
C.鍟嗗搧閲囪臣鍛ㄦ湡 D.閲囪臣鍟嗗搧鐨勭祼妲�
34.( )涓嶆槸瀛樿波鍙緱鎬ф寚妯�銆�
A.渚涙噳姣旂巼 B.鍒╂饯鐜�
C.瑷傝波瀹屾垚鐜� D.缂鸿波闋荤巼
35.鏈稉(j墨ng)( )瑾嶅彲鐨勮儗鏇歌綁璁�锛岀暥鍊夊柈鎸佹湁浜哄悜淇濈浜轰富寮垫瑠鍒╂檪锛屼繚绠′汉鍙互鎷掔禃浜や粯璨ㄧ墿銆�
A.鍘熷悎鍚岀暥浜嬩汉 B.淇濈浜�
C.琚儗鏇镐汉 D.鑳屾浉浜�
36.鍦ㄥ悎鍚屽皪瀛樺劜鏈熼枔鏈綔绱勫畾鎴栫磩瀹氫笉鏄庣殑鎯呮硜涓�锛岃波涓�( )鎻愬彇璨ㄧ墿銆�
A.鏈稉(j墨ng)鍛婄煡鍗冲彲闅ㄦ檪 B.浜嬪厛鍛婄煡鍚庡彲闅ㄦ檪
C.鏈稉(j墨ng)淇濈浜哄悓鎰忓嵆鍙毃鏅� D.鍦ㄤ繚绠′汉鐨勮珛姹備笅鎳夐毃鏅�
37.瀛樿波鍙緱鎬ф柟妗堜笉浠�( )鎸囨渚嗚 閲�銆�
A.缂鸿波闋荤巼 B.瀛樿波鍛ㄨ綁鐜�
C.渚涙噳姣旂巼 D.瑷傝波瀹屾垚鐜�
38.( )涓嶅爆浜庨厤閫佺瓥鐣�銆�
A.杞夐亱绛栫暐 B.寤堕伈绛栫暐
C.鍒嗘暎绛栫暐 D.闆嗛亱绛栫暐
39.鐗╂祦寤堕伈涔熺ū鐐�( )銆�
A.褰㈡垚寤堕伈 B.鏅傞枔寤堕伈
C.鍫存墍寤堕伈 D.瑁濋厤寤堕伈
40.( )涓嶅爆浜庨厤閫侀渶姹傜祼妲�銆�
A.绛栫暐鎬ч渶姹� B.鎴�(zh脿n)鐣ユ€ч渶姹�
C.閰嶉€佽(gu墨)鍔冭垏绠″埗 D.鍔熻兘鎬ч渶姹�
41.閰嶉€侀亱鐕熸垚鏈笉鍖呮嫭( )銆�
A.鍖呰璨� B.瑁濆嵏鎼亱璨�
C.璨换浜嬫晠闁嬫敮 D.鏈夐棞宸ヤ綔浜哄摗鐨勫伐璩�
42.涓€鑸締瑾�锛岄亱杓哥鐞嗛儴闁€鎳夊湪( )鎺у埗閬嬭几鎴愭湰銆�
A.浜嬪墠 B.浜嬩腑 C.浜嬪悗 D.鍏ㄧ▼
43.鐢熺敘(ch菐n)鍨嬬墿娴佺殑浣滄キ(y猫)閲嶉粸鏄�( )銆�
A.鎼亱 B.鍊夊劜 C.閬嬭几 D.鍊夊劜鑸囨惉閬�
44.( )鏄寚灏嶅凡纰哄畾绯荤当(t菕ng)閭婄晫鐨勭墿娴佺郴绲�(t菕ng)锛岀爺绌剁墿鏂欒几鍏ヨ垏杓稿嚭绯荤当(t菕ng)鐨勬儏娉�锛屽寘鎷墿鏂欒几鍏ヨ几鍑哄伐寤犵郴绲�(t菕ng)鐨勬柟寮�(濡傞亱杓歌粖杓�銆佽杓夊鍣�銆佽矾绶氬叆鍙g瓑)銆侀牷鐜囧強杓稿叆杓稿嚭绯荤当(t菕ng)鐨勬浠�(濡傛檪闁�銆侀亾璺強宸ュ粻鍛ㄥ湇鐠�(hu谩n)澧�)绛夌殑绲�(t菕ng)瑷堣硣鏂�銆�
A.鍏�(n猫i)閮ㄩ姕鎺� B.澶栭儴閵滄帴
C.杓稿叆绯荤当(t菕ng) D.杓稿嚭绯荤当(t菕ng)
45.( )鏄埗閫犱紒妤�(y猫)鐢熺敘(ch菐n)閬庣▼涓殑杓斿姪鐢熺敘(ch菐n)閬庣▼锛屽畠鏄伐搴忎箣闁�銆佽粖闁撲箣闁撱€佸伐寤犱箣闁撶墿娴佷笉鍙己灏戠殑閲嶈鐠�(hu谩n)绡€(ji茅)銆�
A.宸ヨ棟甯冪疆 B.瑷柦甯冪疆
C.鐗╂枡鎼亱 D.閬嬭几鎴愭湰
46.绮剧泭鐢熺敘(ch菐n)涓嬫帹閫插紡妯″紡鐨勭墿娴佺鐞嗭紝鍦ㄧ鐞嗘婧栧寲鍜屽埗搴︽柟闈�锛岃兘閲嶉粸铏曠悊( )銆傚湪绠$悊鎵嬫涓�锛屽ぇ閲忛亱鐢ㄨ▓绠楁绠$悊銆傚湪鐢熺敘(ch菐n)鐗╂祦鏂瑰紡涓�锛屼互闆朵欢鐐轰腑蹇冿紝寮疯(di脿o)鍤存牸鍩�(zh铆)琛岃▓鍔�锛岀董鎸佷竴瀹氶噺鐨勫湪鍒跺搧搴瓨銆�
A.淇℃伅娴佺殑鎺у埗 B.绐佺櫦(f膩)浜嬩欢
C.璩囨簮閰嶇疆 D.鐭己棰ㄩ毆
47.绮剧泭鐢熺敘(ch菐n)涓嬫媺鍕曞紡妯″紡鐨勭墿娴佺鐞�锛屽湪绠$悊妯欐簴鍖栧拰鍒跺害鏂归潰锛岄噸榛為噰鐢ㄦ婧栧寲浣滄キ(y猫)銆傚湪鐢熺敘(ch菐n)鐗╂祦鏂瑰紡涓�锛屼互闆朵欢鐐轰腑蹇�锛岃姹傚墠閬撳伐搴忓姞宸ュ畬鐨勯浂浠剁珛鍗抽€插叆鍚庨亾宸ュ簭锛屽挤瑾�(di脿o)鐗╂祦骞宠 鑰屾矑鏈�( )銆�
A.鍦ㄥ埗鍝佸韩瀛� B.鐭己棰ㄩ毆
C.娴不 D.鍚勭ó缂洪櫡
48.鍒濈礆钁d簨鏈冪殑澶氬堡娆″弮鑸囩鐞嗗煿瑷撴柟寮忔槸( )鍩硅〒銆�
A.鏇挎彌瑙掕壊 B.娼涜唱(zh矛)娓
C.鐝�(xi脿n)鍫存寚灏� D.妯℃摤姹虹瓥
49.妗堜緥鐮旂┒娉曟槸灏�( )鐨勬寚灏庡煿瑷�銆�
A.姝峰彶浜嬩欢鐨勫墫鏋� B.鍏稿瀷浜嬩欢鐨勭湡瀵﹂珨椹楀拰鍒嗘瀽
C.涓嶈兘鍏枊鐨勫晢妤�(y猫)浜ゆ槗 D.鏈変竴瀹氱鐞嗙稉(j墨ng)椹楄€�
50.鐗╂祦鍩硅〒甯湪鎺堣鏅傝垏瀛稿摗浜ゆ祦婧濋€氱殑鏂瑰紡鏄�( )銆�
A.Language communication B.Asking questions
C.Eye contact D.Controlling atmosphere
Essay 1 What is logistics?
In the current business environment,logistics is generally accepted as a veryVimportant element for the economic development and business growth of a region,especially a port city.
In reality,what does logistics mean? In which way does it operate?
For simple definition,logistics is a set of procedures in which commodity is delivered in an efficient manner from suppliers to customers.There are three key aspects to the concepts:
1.Movement of goods
Goods can be considered as valuable objects,such as cargo and materials that are valuable and purchasable through commercial transactions and processes.Flow can be determined as methods in which goods are moved or transferred between locations,intermediaries and merchandisers.Modes of transportation include motor,rail,water,air and pipeline.
2.Direction of the flow of goods
In the open market place,buyers and sellers represent two ends of a cormmercial transaction.Buyers are usually customers who demand the goods,while,as sellers are suppliers who provide such goods.When a transaction is agreed upon (sometimes payment is completed,other times the payment is arranged to be completed at a later stage),the suppliers have the responsibility to arrange for the goods to be delivered to the customers.
3.Efficient management of the flow process
The transportation of goods should bear low cost and ensure safety and punctuality.It should do its best to avoid wasting customers' resources.Currently,the flow of goods is generally controlled by both hardware and software.By hardware,we mean logistics facilities and equipment,such as ports,warehouses and trucks,ships,railroad,cars and airlines.By software,we mean information system,standardization and datasharing.
51.What is logistics? ( )
A.It is a set of procedures in which goods are delivered from suppliers to customers in the manner of cost efficient and well service.
B.It is a part of a process to deliver goods and services from one place to another.
C.It is a process to transport and store goods.
D.It is the information system for goods movement.
52.Which of the following is a key aspect of logistics? ( )
A.Goods. B.Customers.
C.Suppliers. D.Movement of goods.
53.Which of the following is a transportation mode for goods delivery? ( )
A.Clothes. B.Services. C.Motor. D.Electricity.
54.When a transaction is agreed upon,does every payment need to be completed? ( )
C.Depend.Sometimes fully completed,sometimes at a late rstage.
D.Completed based on whatever suppliers need.
55.How is flow of goods controlled? ( )
A.By hardware. B.By software.
C.By people. D.By both hardware and software.
Essay 2 Transportation Decision
Transportation decision consists of the following parts:
1.Selection of the mode is determined by the consideration of distance,cargo weights,linkage,timing and other requirements.Generally speaking,rail has high fixed cost and the relatively low variable cost.It can move heavy,large quantity of cargo in the long distance.But,rail is disadvantaged because of the longer transit time and less frequent service than motor.
Motor carriers such as truck companies offer door-to-door service,that is,the cargo can be shipped from the shipper's warehouse to theconsignee's.Trucking fixed cost is the lowest of any carrier,because the equipment is fairly cheap and themotor carriers do not have to invest in the roads on which they run their operations.However,their variable costs are very high.Its expenses include two major components:firstly,the pick-up and delivery costs;secondly,there are gas or fuel costs,labor expenses and toll roads fees to be paid to highway and toll road operators.Therefore,motor transport is good for cargo with small quantity to be shipped within shortvdistances.
Water is the predominant choice of transportation as it has the capacity to take greatest quantity,travel longest distance with lowest cost.Transport by sea accounts for 80锛� of international trade.The major expenses for water are expenses associated with investment and maintenance of the ships and terminals.For example, a 100000- ton container ship costs US$ 200 million.Terminal associated costs include harbor fees and the cost for loading and unloading the goods.
Transport by air has the highest cost but it is fast with the lowest ratio of loss and damage. If you need to deliver an urgent order,there is little choice but by air.
2.Transport service provider is selected for its experiences,equipment,services and prices.Competitive in the transport industry usually drives the prices down and motivates for better services A company also chooses its transport service provider because of its long-standing business relationship with certain shipping companies.
3.The alternative routing and scheduling is specific for motor only because railway and water have strict route and timetable.
Motor has special advantage in terms of flexibility.It has the ability to load goods at greater frequency,travel through different routes and making deliveries to different locations.
56.How is the transportation mode selected? ( )
A.By suppliers.
B.By customers.
C.By consideration of distance,weight,linkage and other requirements.
D.By government requirements.
57.For heavy and long distance cargo with low cost,which of the following is the preferred mode for transportation? ( )
D.Broken down in small bulks and deliver by air.
58.What are the advantages of aircraft delivery? ( )
A.Safety and punctuality. B.Costly.
C.Long distance. D.Deliver heavy loads.
59.How is a transportation service provider selected? ( )
A.By supplier. B.Referral.
C.Customer demands. D.Experiences and equipments.
60.Which mode account for most delivery in international trade? ( )
A.By railway. B.By water.
C.By air. D.By trucks.
1.鐗╂祦鎴�(zh脿n)鐣ョ殑鐩鏄�( )銆�
A.鐗╂祦鍔熻兘閬嬭鏅傞枔鏈€鐭� B.闄嶄綆绺介珨鐗╂祦閬嬭鎴愭湰
C.鐗╂祦绯荤当(t菕ng)鎶曡硣鏈€灏忓寲 D.鍦ㄦ棦瀹氭垚鏈笅鏀归€叉湇鍕�
2.鐗╂祦鎴�(zh脿n)鐣ョ鐞嗙殑鍏�(n猫i)瀹圭敱( )绲勬垚銆�
A.鏈€鏈夊埄浜庣墿娴侀亱浣滅殑瑷柦閬稿潃 B.鍏锋湁鐩稿皪鍎�(y艒u)鍕㈢殑閬嬬嚐瑕�(gu墨)鍔�
C.鍙潏娲昏(di脿o)鏁寸殑鐗╂祦绲勭箶绲愭 D.鎸佺簩(x霉)鍫卞児鏈€浣庣殑绔剁埈寮峰嫝
3.鐝吉鍩烘湰閬嬭不鎳夊寘鎷�( )銆�
A.瑁濊波璨� B.鍗歌波璨�
C.椐佽埞璨� D.骞宠墮鑸囩悊鑹欒不
4.鐝�(xi脿n)琛屾捣涓婂湅闅涜波鐗╅亱杓稿叕绱勬湁( )銆�
5.鍦ㄩ泦瑁濈閬嬭几?sh霉)鑶灂?j霉)涓�锛屽弽鏄犻泦瑁濈閬嬭几鐗归粸鐨勬槸( )銆�
A.闆嗚绠辨彁鍠� B.纰奸牠鏀舵摎(j霉)
C.瑁濈鍠� D.瑷倷鏀舵摎(j霉)
6.闆嗚绠遍亱杓搁€插彛鍠瓑鏈�( )銆�
A.鍗哥娓呭柈 B.鐞嗚波鍠拰鎷嗙鍠�
C.閫插彛璨ㄧ墿鐢宠珛鍠� D.闆嗚绠卞偓鎻愬柈鍜屽偓鎻愰€插彛璨ㄦ竻鍠�
7.鐝吉璨荤巼绲愭鎸夐亱鍍瑰埗瀹氱殑褰㈠紡鍒嗙偤( )銆�
A.鑸瑰叕鍙搁亱鍍� B.绛夌礆閬嬪児
C.鍠爡璨荤巼閬嬪児 D.鑸窔閬嬪児
8.灏嶄竴闋呭晢鍝佸劜閬嬫浠跺毚鏍硷紝閬嬭几璺窔姣旇純寰╅洔鐨勬キ(y猫)鍕�锛岄亱杓镐紒妤�(y猫)鍙伕鎿�( )銆�
9.閬嬭几?sh霉)鎱�?j墨ng)婵熸€ф槸鎵归噺瓒婂ぇ璨荤巼瓒婁綆锛岀偤姝�锛岄亱杓镐紒妤�(y猫)閬告搰( )绛夐泦閬嬫柟寮�銆�
A.搴瓨鍚堝苟 B.閬嬭几杌婅紱鍚堝苟
C.鍊夊韩鍚堝苟 D.閬嬪柈鍚堝苟
10.灏嶉亱杓稿晢瑭曚及鐨勭稖鍚堥伕鎿囨硶姝ラ鏄�( )銆�
11.閫氶亷璨ㄧ墿涓綁闆嗛亱鐨�( )鏂瑰紡锛屽彲浣块亱杓告垚鏈笅闄嶃€�
12.鍗€(q奴)鍩熺礆鐗╂祦淇℃伅鏈嶅嫏骞宠嚭鐨勫収(n猫i)瀹瑰寘鎷�( )銆�
A.淇℃伅鐧�(f膩)甯冨姛鑳� B.闆诲瓙浜ゆ槗鍔熻兘
C.鏀垮簻缍滃悎杈﹀叕鍔熻兘 D.娴佺▼绠$悊鍔熻兘
13.鐗╂祦淇℃伅绯荤当(t菕ng)绺介珨瑕�(gu墨)鍔冩槸绯荤当(t菕ng)闁嬬櫦(f膩)鐨勫熀绀庨殠娈�锛屽垎鐐�( )绛夋椹�銆�
A.瀹氱京绯荤当(t菕ng)鐨勫爆鎬� B.瀹氱京绠$悊鐩
C.瀹氱京绠$悊鍔熻兘 D.瀹氱京鏁�(sh霉)鎿�(j霉)鍒嗛鑸囦俊鎭祼妲�
14.瀹屽杽鐨勭墿娴佺鐞嗕俊鎭郴绲�(t菕ng)鍏锋湁( )骞惧€嬪堡娆�銆�
A.鏁�(sh霉)鎿�(j霉)灞� B.妤�(y猫)鍕欏堡
C.鎳夌敤灞� D.鍙嶉灞�
15.鍒堕€犲瀷浼佹キ(y猫)鎳夌敤ERP鐨勫姛鑳芥ā濉婂寘鎷�( )銆�
A.鐢熺敘(ch菐n)鎺у埗 B.鍒嗛姺绠$悊
C.搴瓨鑸囬噰璩肩鐞� D.鎶€琛撴洿鏂板鏂�
16.鐗╂祦淇℃伅绯荤当(t菕ng)瑷▓鐨勪富瑕佸収(n猫i)瀹规湁( )銆�
A.浠g⒓瑷▓ B.鏁�(sh霉)鎿�(j霉)搴ō瑷�
C.杓稿叆鑸囪几鍑鸿ō瑷� D.铏曠悊閬庣▼瑷▓
17.浠g⒓鐨勭ó椤炲垎鐐�( )銆�
A.闋嗗簭纰� B.鍗€(q奴)闁撶⒓鑸囧垎绲勭⒓
C.鍔╂喍纰� D.闁撻殧纰�
18.鍟嗗搧閲囪臣鐨勬柟閲濇槸( )銆�
A.澶氭笭閬� B.闋嗘祦鍚�
C.灏戠挵(hu谩n)绡€(ji茅) D.灏戝搧绋�
19.浼佹キ(y猫)閲囩敤鐨勫鍩犲晢鍝佺殑閲囪臣鏂规硶鏈�( )銆�
A.鏈冭閲囪臣 B.椐愬湴閲囪臣
C.鎺ュ緟閲囪臣 D.浠h臣浠i姺
20.( )鍥犵礌褰遍熆鍟嗗搧閲囪臣绺介噺鐨勭⒑瀹�銆�
A.甯傚牬闇€姹傝畩鍖� B.浼佹キ(y猫)鐝�(xi脿n)鏈夊韩瀛橀噺
C.鍟嗗搧鍍规牸鐨勬疾璺� D.浼佹キ(y猫)褰㈣薄
21.纰哄畾閲囪臣瑷堝妰涓殑涓嬪柈鏁�(sh霉)閲忔檪涓嶈€冩叜( )銆�
A.鐢熺敘(ch菐n)闇€姹傞噺 B.鐝�(xi脿n)鏈夊韩瀛橀噺
C.鏈€楂樺韩瀛橀噺 D.骞冲潎搴瓨閲�
22.纰哄畾閲囪臣瑷堝妰涓殑涓嬪柈鏅傞枔鏅備笉鑰冩叜( )銆�
A.瑷傚柈鍛ㄦ湡 B.鐢熺敘(ch菐n)鍛ㄦ湡
C.瑾嶈瓑鍛ㄦ湡 D.椹楁敹鍛ㄦ湡
23.浼佹キ(y猫)鍦ㄥ埗瀹氱稖鍚堥噰璩肩瓥鐣ユ檪锛�( )鍙兘鏈冩垚鐐洪暦鏈熸埌(zh脿n)鐣�銆�
A.瑾�(di脿o)鏁翠緵鎳夊晢鍩哄湴 B.閲嶆柊瑷▓鐢�(ch菐n)鍝�
C.鏀归€叉嫑鎶曟绛栫暐 D.寤㈢墿铏曠悊
24.( )灞簬鍊夊劜浣滄キ(y猫)娴佺▼瑕�(gu墨)鍔冪殑鍏�(n猫i)瀹�銆�
A.纰哄畾鎵樼洡褰㈠紡鑸囧昂瀵� B.纰哄畾鍕曠窔娴佺▼鍙婂ぇ鍗€(q奴)鍩熻(gu墨)鍔�
C.纰哄畾瑷倷浣跨敤骞撮檺 D.纰哄畾瑷倷瑕�(gu墨)鏍煎拰瑭㈠児
25.( )灞簬鍊夊劜鍚堝悓鐨勫収(n猫i)瀹广€�
A.璨ㄧ墿鐨勫叆搴鏀� B.鍊夊柈鐨勪娇鐢�
C.璨ㄧ墿鐨勮檿缃瑠 D.璨ㄧ墿鐨勬彁鍙�
E.鐗规畩璨ㄧ殑鍛婄煡鍜岃檿鐞� F.璨ㄧ墿鎵€鏈変汉涓嶅緱骞叉摼淇濈浜烘キ(y猫)鍕欐椿鍕曠殑瑕�(gu墨)瀹�
26.璨ㄧ墿鍦ㄥ劜瀛樹繚绠″拰閬嬭几閬庣▼涓殑鎼嶈€楀拰纾呭樊妯欐簴宸插湪( )涓槑纰恒€�
A.鍦嬪妯欐簴 B.鍙冭€冩婧�
C.琛屾キ(y猫)妯欐簴 D.鍚堝悓绱勫畾
27.鍎插瓨鏈熸豢涓斿湪鍚堢悊鏈熼檺閬庡悗锛岃波涓绘噳( )銆�
28.閰嶉€佹湇鍕欒唱(zh矛)閲忓彲鐢�( )渚嗚 閲�銆�
A.閰嶉€佹晥鐜� B.閰嶉€佹鏁�(sh霉)
C.閰嶉€佹檪闁� D.閰嶉€佽不鐢�
29.閰嶉€佽唱(zh矛)閲忔寚妯欎富瑕佹湁( )銆�
A.鎼嶅闋荤巼 B.瀛樿波鍛ㄨ綁鐜�
C.瀹㈡埗閫€璨ㄦ暩(sh霉) D.鏃ヤ緵鎳夐噺
30.閰嶉€佸樊鐣板寲绛栫暐鏄寚鎸夌敘(ch菐n)鍝佺殑鐗归粸銆侀姺鍞按骞宠ō缃笉鍚岀殑( )銆�
A.搴瓨 B.閬嬭几鏂瑰紡
C.閫佽波鏂瑰紡 D.鍎插瓨鍦伴粸
31.鐗╂祦鏈嶅嫏姘存簴鑳藉姏鍖呮嫭( )銆�
A.閰嶉€佺墿鍝佺殑鍙緱鎬� B.澧炲€兼€�
C.浣滄キ(y猫)绺炬晥 D.鍙潬鎬�
32.閰嶉€佹湇鍕欐按骞冲寘鎷�( )銆�
A.瑷傝波浜よ波鍛ㄦ湡 B.璨ㄥ搧绋绲愭
C.璨ㄥ搧缂鸿波鐜� D.澧炲€兼湇鍕欒兘鍔�
33.鍏锋湁浠h〃鎬х殑瀹㈡埗鎰熻瑭曚及鎸囨鏈�( )銆�
A.瀹屾垚鍛ㄦ湡鏅傞枔 B.鐢�(ch菐n)鍝佺殑鏀寔
C.闈堟椿鎬� D.淇℃伅鐨勫彲鐢ㄦ€�
34.閰嶉€佷綔妤�(y猫)澶栭儴绺炬晥瑭曚及鎸囨鏈�( )銆�
A.璩囩敘(ch菐n)琛¢噺 B.瀹㈡埗鎰熻
C.鎴愭湰 D.鏈€浣冲鏂藉熀婧�
35.鐢熺敘(ch菐n)鐗╂祦绯荤当(t菕ng)鐨勪富瑕佺壒榛炴槸( )銆�
36.鐢熺敘(ch菐n)鐗╂祦瑷▓瑕佽€冩叜鐨勬渶鍩烘湰瑕佺礌鏄敘(ch菐n)鍝�銆佹暩(sh霉)閲�(鐢�(ch菐n)閲�)銆佽紨鍔╂湇鍕欓儴闁€銆�( )銆�
A.鐢熺敘(ch菐n)璺窔 B.瑷倷瑷柦
C.鐗╂枡绉诲嫊鏅傞枔 D.鐗╂枡鎼亱
37.浼佹キ(y猫)鐢熺敘(ch菐n)鐗╂祦骞抽潰甯冪疆瑷▓锛屾寜鐢熺敘(ch菐n)绯荤当(t菕ng)鍔熻兘鍒嗛鏈�( )銆�
A.宸ヤ綔娴佺▼甯冪疆 B.宸ョ▼闋呯洰甯冪疆
C.閵峰敭甯冪疆 D.瀛樺劜甯冪疆
38.鐢熺敘(ch菐n)鐗╂祦鏄�( )鍦ㄤ紒妤�(y猫)鍏�(n猫i)閮ㄧ殑娴佸嫊閬庣▼銆�
A.鐢熺敘(ch菐n)鐗╂枡 B.鐢熺敘(ch菐n)瑷倷
C.鐢�(ch菐n)鎴愬搧 D.鍩�(zh铆)琛岀▼搴�
39.鐗╂祦鍩硅〒鏂规绶ㄥ埗鐨勫師鍓囨槸( )銆�
A.浠ヤ紒妤�(y猫)鐧�(f膩)灞曡▓鍔冪偤鍩虹 B.浠ュ摗宸ユ妧鑳介渶姹傜偤鏍规摎(j霉)
C.浠ヤ紒妤�(y猫)鐗╂祦閬嬩綔鐝�(xi脿n)鐙€鐐烘浠� D.浠ュ競鍫寸鐖殑鎸戞埌(zh脿n)鐐哄嚭鐧�(f膩)榛�
40.灏嶇墿娴佷紒妤�(y猫)涓礆绠$悊浜哄摗鍩硅〒鐨勯噸榛為牁鍩熸槸( )銆�
A.甯傚牬鐕熼姺鑸囧鎴堕棞绯荤鐞� B.渚涙噳鍟嗚垏閲囪臣绠$悊鎶€琛�
C.閬嬭几鑸囧€夊劜绠$悊鎶€琛� D.鐗╂祦绋嬪簭杌熶欢鎺у埗鎶€琛�
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